Shades of Orange is about sharing ressources that people found essential learning Houdini and also sharing my own projects and techniques that helped me create them.

About me

I’m very passionate about tech involving procedural and automation tools which are blurring the line between tech and art. I have experience in a wide range of topics regarding computer graphics, computer science and UX to develop workflows and software that suit the needs of productions.

Knowledge sharing and leadership are very important to me to achieve goals together.
I am currently the organizer of the Frankfurt Houdini User group and a Houdini/Technical Art teacher at the University of applied sciences Darmstadt. I like bringing people together to achieve goals everyone believes in.

I am currently interested in Machine Learning, USD & Proceduralism


I hope you found some of my content useful. If you have any questions, or just want so say Hi, feel free to get in touch. I am always willing to share. Also if you have any suggestions on what is missing, or someone would appreciate finding on a site like this, please let me know.

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